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For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
(H. L. Mencken)

Document T058

Étude de marché sur la copie privée d'enregistrements musicaux au Canada, 2001-2002

Prepared for the Canadian Private Copying Collective, October 2002

This study is based on the responses of 12,197 Canadians age 12 or over to a telephone survey conducted from July 2001 to June 2002. The conclusions of this study were as follows.

Private copying of pre-recorded music is a major phenomenon that became more common in 2001-2002 compared with 1998 and 1999-2000.

Some profound changes in copying patterns that began in 1999-2000 were completed in 2001-2002: private copying has now gone digital.

The main purpose for which individuals use blank audio cassettes and blank CDs is to copy pre-recorded music.

The Internet is the primary source for private copying, but only a portion of the tracks copied from the Internet are copied to media subject to the private copying tariff.


This study is based on a series of monthly surveys conducted from July 2001 to June 2002; some additional data were gathered from April to June 2001. Each month, this survey interviewed some 1,000 Canadians age 12 or over who constituted a representative sample of all Canadians in this age group. During the primary period of the study (July 2001 to June 2002), 12,197 interviews were conducted.

The estimates produced from the survey data have been adjusted for gender, age, region of residence, and mother tongue so as to fit the 1996 Census data, which were the most recent data available for the required combinations of variables at the time that this report was prepared.

The survey questionnaire was built around four research objectives and composed of ten sections. The number of questions varied with the characteristics of each respondent. The survey used the same questions from one month to the next, except for a few questions that were added at various times. The questionnaire used in the present study was derived largely from the one used for our second study on private copying, in 2000, but was nevertheless pre-tested in April 2001.

The sample of telephone numbers was created with a specialized software application that provides not only numbers listed in the telephone directory but unlisted numbers as well. Within each household, one person was selected in a strictly random fashion, on the basis of his or her last birthday. No substitutions were allowed.

The data were gathered from July 1, 2001 to June 14, 2002. The refusal rate and the response rate, calculated according to standard industry methods, were 24% and 60%, respectively.

The highest margin of sampling error for proportion estimates for the entire sample was ± 1.0 percentage point. The margins of error for the totals and means were larger, but still low compared with studies that use smaller samples. For example, the margin of error for the estimated mean number of tracks copied per person over a month is ± 11%. The margins of sampling error are larger for sub-groups within the sample.

885 pages, 2616k [PDF format]

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Benoît Gauthier : gauthier@circum.com, @BGauthierCEEQ
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238 Fleming Road, Cantley, Québec J8V 3B4

Benoît Gauthier, Mastodon