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In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
(George Orwell)

Document T014

Étude de marché sur la copie privée d'enregistrements musicaux au Canada

Prepared for the Canadian Private Copying Collective, May 1999

The Canadian Private Copying Collective was preparing its case in favour of levies on blank cassettes and blank CD disks to be presented to Copyright Board Canada. The case required the estimation of the amount of music privatly copied in Canada over a year, as well as the measurement of attitudes regarding the imposition of levies on blank media. Circum Network Inc., in cooperation with Decima Research, conducted a telephone survey of 2700 Canadians aged 12 and over, and prepared an analytical report on these issues.

411 pages, 1446k [PDF format]

Document T021

Étude de marché sur la copie privée d'enregistrements musicaux au Canada, 2000

Prepared for the Canadian Private Copying Collective, August 2000

The Canadian Private Copying Collective was preparing its new case in favour of levies on blank cassettes and blank CD disks to be presented to Copyright Board Canada. The case required the estimation of the amount of music privatly copied in Canada over twelve months of 1999 and 2000, as well as an estimation of the comparative value of the privately made copy. Circum Network Inc., with the help of Écho Sondage, conducted two telephone surveys, one of 2400 and one of 15000 Canadians aged 12 and over, and prepared an analytical report on these issues.

345 pages, 2096k [PDF format]

Document T056

Étude comparative perceptuelle de la qualité sonore de fichiers audio-numériques originaux et comprimés

Prepared for the Canadian Private Copying Collective, December 2002

This study is based on the results of a Web survey conducted in December 2002. The respondents were 258 Canadians age 12 to 49 who had a multimedia computer with Internet access in their homes at the time of the survey. Each respondent compared the sound quality of two versions of the same selections of music: the original version and a version that had been compressed using the MP3 algorithm. The following conclusions were drawn from the responses.

In 14% of the cases, the respondents correctly identified the original track of music as being of better quality.

The respondents who did perceive a difference in the sound quality of the tracks they listed to assigned it a monetary value of 20%.


This study is based on data gathered from 258 respondents in an on-line survey conducted from December 6 to 18, 2002. These respondents were recruited by Echo Sondage telephone, on December 3 and 4, from a list of the respondents to Circum Network Inc.'s Music Monitor survey who had reported that they had a multimedia computer and Internet access in their homes and had agreed to be contacted again. Only persons who were age 12 to 49 at the time they were originally interviewed and whose interviews were completed between January and September 2002 were included in this study.

In the recruitment phase of this study, the refusal rate and the response rate, as calculated by industry- standard methods, were 23% and 44%, respectively. In the data-collection phase, the response rate was 59%.

A random sample of the size used in this study produces a margin of sampling error no greater than ± 4.7 percentage points for proportion estimates for the entire sample, taking the effects associated with the sampling plan into account. The margins of sampling error for sub-groups within the sample are larger.

The estimates produced from these data were adjusted for gender, age, region of residence, and mother tongue, so as to match the distributions calculated in the Music Monitor survey for the population segment used in this study.

The survey questionnaire was designed to meet two research objectives. It comprised six sections, and the number of questions asked varied with the responses provided. The minimum was 6 questions, and the maximum was 23. A music CD prepared especially for this study was sent to each respondent's home. This CD contained five selections of five different genres of music, each recorded in two different formats. The respondents were asked to listen to both versions of each selection on their own audio equipment and to indicate whether either one had better sound quality than the other.

109 pages, 960k [PDF format]

Document T066

Étude de marché sur la copie privée d'enregistrements musicaux au Canada, 2005-2006

Prepared for the Canadian Private Copying Collective, November 2006.

This study is the fourth in a series analyzing private copying of music in Canada. The first three reports discuss the following periods: 1998, 2000 and 2001-2002. The present study describes the results from more than 60,000 telephone interviews conducted at the pace of 1 000 per month between July 2001 and June 2006.

Key results follow:

675 pages, 5.4M [PDF format]

Document T077

Étude de marché sur la copie privée d'enregistrements musicaux au Canada, 2006-2007

Prepared for the Canadian Private Copying Collective, January 2008.

This study is the fifth in a series analyzing private copying of music in Canada. The first four reports discuss the following periods: 1998, 2000, 2001-2002 and 2005-2006. The present study describes the results from more than 72,000 telephone interviews conducted at the pace of 1 000 per month between July 2001 and June 2007.

Key results follow:

695 pages, 5.6M [PDF format]

Document T091

The Use of Blank CDs for Music Copying in 2018 and 2019: Recent Trends and Projections

Prepared by Circum Newtork Inc.

Circum has been involved in research about the private copying of music in Canada since 1999. Several reports made available on the Circum website pertain to this particular issue. In 2017, Circum was called upon to contribute to the case of the Canadian Private Copying Collective (CPCC) relating to the levies to be collected for the sale or disposition, in Canada, of blank audio recording media for the years 2018 and 2019.

The purpose of the Circum report was threefold. First, it provided the most recent available data on the copying of music onto recordable CDs for those variables considered by the Copyright Board of Canada in its decision to certify the 2017 private copying tariff. Second, projections were developed for the years of the proposed tariffs, 2018 and 2019. Finally, the report considered these projected figures in light of the standards the Copyright Board has applied in previous private copying decisions to determine whether recordable CDs may still be considered ordinarily used for the purpose of copying music. This report was a direct update of Exhibit CPCC-3 (Private Copying Tariff: 2017) entitled "The Use of Blank CDs for Music Copying in 2017: Recent Trends and Projections", dated May 13, 2016, and prepared by Paul Audley, Lisa Freeman, and Benoît Gauthier.

On December 1, 2017, the Copyright Board of Canada certified a tariff of 29¢ per blank CD for 2018 and 2019.

470K [PDF format]

To reach us:

General address : service@circum.com
Benoît Gauthier : gauthier@circum.com, @BGauthierCEEQ
Tel. : +1 819 775-2620, Fax : (no more fax; sorry)
238 Fleming Road, Cantley, Québec J8V 3B4

Benoît Gauthier, Mastodon