Benoît Gauthier has very strong experience in research — in academic, private and public settings. He has specialized in strategic and organizational research and intervention, in market research, in program evaluation, in applied social research and in policy analysis. Over the years, his involvement in more than 500 research and intervention assignments (including more than 100 evaluations) has allowed him to build a particular expertise in the measurement and the management of client satisfaction, health and social services, technology, immigration, housing, human resource management, arts and culture, and management information systems. From a methodological standpoint, Mr. Gauthier has developed an enviable reputation both as a top-level quantitative and qualitative analyst and as a strong project manager.
After his doctoral studies, Mr. Gauthier has successively occupied the positions of chief of research in a branch of Justice Canada, senior evaluator at the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, evaluation manager then director of program evaluation at Communications Canada and executive vice president and chief of operations at Ekos Research Associates. Early in 1996, he founded Circum Network Inc. Since then, Mr. Gauthier has developed an interest in organizational management issues; this interest has allowed him to bridge measurement concerns and management concerns. He has acquired the Credentialed Evaluator, Certified Marketing Research Professional (relinquished since then), and Certified Management Consultant (relinquished since then) certifications. He was a member of the Ordre des administrateurs agréés du Québec.
Mr. Gauthier has taught social research methodology, program evaluation and decision-making methods at the undergraduate and graduate levels at the Quebec École nationale d'administration publique, Carleton University, University of Ottawa, and Université du Québec en Outaouais. He is an adjunct professor at Carleton University, Honorary Fellow of the Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, and Fellow of the Canadian Evaluation Society. He is the joint editor of the textbook entitled Recherche sociale : de la problématique à la collecte des données, an introduction to social research, for the first six editions (1984, 1992, 1997, 2003, 2008, 2016; Presses de l'Université du Québec; Portuguese edition in 2003 with Lusociência)..
Mr. Gauthier has completed a Master's degree in political science at Université Laval, a Master's degree in public administration at ÉNAP and the course work and comprehensive examinations towards a doctorate in political science at Carleton University.
- Fellow, Canadian Evaluation Society
- Adjunct Researcher, Canada Research Chair in Program and Policy Evaluation (2018-2019)
- Honorary Fellow, Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University (2015-2019)
- Credentialed Evaluator, Canadian Evaluation Society (2010-)
- Certified Management Research Professional, Professional Marketing Research Society (2004-2017)
- Certified Management Consultant, Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC; 1999-2020; certified for the preparation of PSGGR conformity opinions in March 2001)
- Masters (Public Administration), École nationale d'administration publique, Québec (1991)
- Masters Diploma (Public Sector Management), École nationale d'administration publique, Québec (1987)
- PhD, course work and comprehensive examinations (Political Science), Carleton University, Ontario (1984)
- Masters (Political Science), Laval University, Québec (1979)
- BA (Political Science), Laval University, Québec (1978)
- Réseau francophone de l’évaluation (RFE)
- Vice-President (2017-2019) and President of the Board of Directors (2019-2021)
- Representative of the CES (2017-2021)
- International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation
- Vice-President of the Board of Trustees, Treasurer and CES and RFE representative (2016-2020)
- Co-chair of the VOPE Toolkit Project and of the Professionalization Committee (2016-2020)
- EvalPartners
- Treasurer and member of the Management Group (2016-2020)
- Co-chair of the Evaluation and Knowledge Management Committee (2020-2022)
- Canadian Evaluation Society
- 2022 CES Dedication and Contribution Award
- Fellow (2020-)
- Vice-President, President, and Past-President of the CES National Board of Directors (2013-2018)
- Member of the CES Credentialing Board (2010-2013, 2018-)
- 2006 CES Award for Contribution to Evaluation in Canada
- 2003 CES-NCC Leadership Recognition Award
- 2002 CES Exemplary Service Award
- Canadian Evaluation Society Education Fund
- 2009 Award for Contribution to Research on Evaluation Practice
- Association memberships (not necessarily all continuously maintained)
- Executive Vice-President and Chief of Operations, Ekos Research Associates, 1989-1996
- Director of Program Evaluation, Communications Canada, Ottawa, 1988-1989
- Senior Program Evaluation Manager, Communications Canada, Ottawa, 1986-1988
- Senior Program Evaluation Manager and Methodologist, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ottawa, 1983-1986
- Chief of Research, Canadian Unity Information Office, Ottawa, 1983
- Short training sessions in evaluation, survey research, qualitative and quantitative research methods offered in Quebec, Canada, the United States, Australia, Senegal, Morocco, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, and Côte d'Ivoire.
- Course on quantitative methods in evaluation, Carleton University, Ottawa, 2016-
- Adjunct Professor, Carleton University, 2022-
- Course on quantitative methods in evaluation, École nationale d’administration publique, Gatineau, 2018
- Adjunct Professor, École nationale d'administration publique, 2017-2022
- Course on decision making, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, c. 2005
- Course on research methods and intervention in organizations, École nationale d'administration publique, Gatineau, 1992-2020
- Course on research methods in social work, Université du Québec à Hull, Hull, 1982
- Comparative politics course, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, 1982
- Course on research methods in political science, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, 1981
- Survey research for evaluation, cours en ligne avec facilitation pour le Cyberinstitut de la SCÉ, 2023, with Simon Roy
- Corrélation, régression et régression multiple : analyse quantitative des impacts en 120 minutes, webinar delivered for the Société québécoise d’évaluation de programme, November 10, 2022
- Evaluation, professionalization, recognition – the Canadian Experience, presentation to University of North Carolina Greensboro Sandra Ayoo's class, November 7, 2022
- Bridging 2015, 2018, and 2021: how has the Policy on Results modified federal evaluation practice, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Winnipeg, June 14, 2022, with Simon Roy, Shelley Borys, and Natalie Kishchuk.
- Challenges and opportunities in the professionalization of evaluation, Inter-regional initiative for the professionalization for evaluation, December 15, 2021
- Evaluation, professionalization, recognition – the Canadian Experience, presentation to University of North Carolina Greensboro Sandra Ayoo's class, November 22, 2021
- Apprendre des réussites et des échecs en évaluation: comment exercer sa réflexivité d’évaluateur avec bienveillance? Participation in the opening panel of the 2021 SQEP conference, October 29, 2021
- Professionnalisation et institutionnalisation de la pratique l’évaluation, launch of ENAP’s PIFED, October 12, 2021
- Enjeux de la professionnalisation de la pratique l’évaluation, Official launch of the CESAG's Master's in Project, Program and Policy Evaluation, July 22, 2021
- Professionalization and the CES Credentialed Evaluator program, Presentation for Maryann Roebuck, University of Ottawa, PSY5104, July 21, 2021
- Institutionnalisation : définition, enjeux, défis, presentation in the context of an Atelier de réflexion sur l’institutionnalisation de l’évaluation des politiques publiques au Sénégal, July 13, 2021
- What is the CES Credentialed Evaluator program? Presentation to the evaluation group at Indigenous Services Canada, June 9, 2021
- Introduction à un Outil diagnostique de la professionnalisation, presentation as part of the gLOCAL days of the Association djiboutienne de l'évaluation, June 1, 2021.
- Fellows’ Panel, panel at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, online, May 14, 2021.
- Understanding Utilization Through a Multi-Dimensional Lens, panel at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, online, May 10, 2021.
- Introduction à un Outil diagnostique de la professionnalisation, webinar on January 28, 2021 for the Réseau francophone de l’évaluation.
- Participation to the panel "Evaluation : outil d’aide à la décision" at the Journées Malagasy de l’Evaluation (JMEval), December 15, 2020
- Evaluation, professionalization, recognition – the Canadian Experience, presentation to University of North Carolina Greensboro Sandra Ayoo's class, October 5, 2020
- Professionalization of Evaluation – the Canadian Experience and beyond, keynote presentation, Swiss Evaluation Society, Luzern, 13 septembre 2019.
- Bridging 2015 and 2018: how has the Policy on Results modified federal evaluation practice, Ottawa Lunch and Learn session, September 10, 2019, with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishshuk, and Simon Roy.
- Comment préparer une proposition percutante, webinar for the Réseau francophone des évaluateurs émergents, Réseau francophone de l’évaluation, June 22, 2019.
- Determinants of Types of Evaluation Use: A Synthesis of Existing Models, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Halifax, May 28, 2019, with Natalie Kishshuk.
- From Invasive Species to Good Relative: Co-creating a theory of change for sustainability-focussed evaluation, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Halifax, May 27, 2019, with Andrealisa Belzer, Andy Rowe, Nicole Bowman, and Matt Jacques.
- Bridging 2015 and 2018: how has the Policy on Results modified federal evaluation practice, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Halifax, May 27, 2019, with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishshuk, and Simon Roy.
- Bridging Qualitative Data Analysis and Quality Control, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Halifax, May 26, 2019, with Simon Roy.
- Corrélation, régression et régression multiple : analyse quantitative des impacts en 75 minutes, workshop delivered in a joint CES-NCC/ENAP mini-conference, April 26, 2019
- Professionnalisation de l’évaluation : expériences de la Société canadienne d’évaluation, presentation to a delegation from Niger as part of a mission on a strategy to implement evaluation and monitoring, April 22, 2019
- Streamlining qualitative analysis and evaluation evidence with free spreadsheet software, African Evaluation Association Conference, Abidjan, March 12, 2019.
- Simplifier l'analyse qualitative et l’établissement de la preuve en évaluation avec un tableur gratuit, African Evaluation Association Conference, Abidjan, March 12, 2019.
- Professionalization of Evaluation: an IOCE view with a sparkle of CES experience, Bond Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Working Group, Decembre 5, 2018.
- Evolution of the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Professional Designation, 2010 – 2018: Implications for Resiliency of the Field, European Evaluation Society Conference, Thessaloniki, October 5, 2018, with Natalie Kishchuk, Gail Barrington, Harry Cummings.
- Recognizing and Acting on Several Levels of Evaluation Use, European Evaluation Society Conference, Thessaloniki, October 4, 2018, with Natalie Kishchuk.
- Professionalization of Evaluation, An IOCE View, European Evaluation Society Conference, Thessaloniki, October 3, 2018.
- Evaluating SDGs: not business as usual, a view from IOCE, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Calgary, May 29, 2018.
- Co-Creating Organizational Change through Innovative Evaluations, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Calgary, May 27, 2018, with Andrealisa Belzer, Kathryn Graham, and Kakali Majumdar.
- Qualitative data analysis and quality control: An intermediate level workshop, Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Calgary, May 26, 2018, with Natalie Kishchuk and Simon Roy.
- Professionalization of Evaluation, An IOCE View, Becoming Fit to Evaluate in the SDG Era: Exchanges on Professionalization, UNEG Round Table Meeting, Rome, May 7, 2018.
- Excel pour l’analyse qualitative, École nationale d’administration publique, Isabelle Bourgeois course, April 7, 2018.
- L’évaluation au Canada et à l’international, presentation in the course ADPU 6410, Courtney Amo, Université de Moncton, April 3, 2018.
- Are CES members interested in addressing ethics challenges?, CES-NCC Annual Learning Event, February 12, 2018, with Natalie Kishchuk.
- EvalAgenda2020 and What It Means for Individual Evaluators, opening keynote, Second EvalYouth Virtual Conference, November 18, 2017.
- CES' Approach to Professionalizing Evaluation, South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association Conference, Johannesburg, October 25, 2017.
- Response to the opening keynote, South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association Conference, Johannesburg, October 25, 2017.
- Learning Circles for Advanced Professional Development in Evaluation, South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association Conference, Johannesburg, October 25, 2017, with Natalie Kishchuk, Shelley Borys and Simon Roy.
- IOCE Professionalization Task Force Principles and Directions, South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association Conference, Johannesburg, October 24, 2017.
- VOPE Workshop, South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association Conference, Johannesburg, October 24, 2017, with Benita Williams.
- Advanced Issues in Evaluation Survey Research and Design, workshop delivered in Winnipeg, October 13, 2017.
- Excel pour l'analyse qualitative, Société québécoise d'évaluation de programme, Montréal, September 29. 2017, with Natalie Kishchuk.
- The Future of Professionalization in Evaluation, panel at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Vancouver, May 3, 2017
- Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals, panel at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Vancouver, May 2, 2017
- Excel pour l'analyse qualitative, breakfast session, National Capital Chapter of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Gatineau, April 19. 2017
- Professionalizing evaluation: the CES experience, opening panel, African Evaluation Association Conference, Kampala, March 2017
- The IOCE VOPE Toolkit: workshop on professionalizing VOPE action, African Evaluation Association Conference, Kampala, March 2017
- Contribution to the "Ultimate Deliverology and Evaluation Debate", CES-NCC Annual Learning Event, February 16, 2017
- The Future of Evaluation in 2025: An Interactive Debate, online debate with the Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter of the Canadian Evaluation Society, February 17, 2017
- Evaluation in Canada in 2025: what ought to be, what will be, what to do, Canadian Evaluation Society webinar, February 11, 2017
- Structuration des VOPEs francophones : synthèse des débats, Second Forum international francophone de l'évaluation, Marrakech, December 16, 2016
- Structuration des VOPEs francophones Panel 2 : Attentes des bailleurs de fonds à l'égard des VOPEs et actions d'appui envisageables, Second Forum international francophone de l'évaluation, Marrakech, December 16, 2016
- Les contributions possibles de l'évaluation à un meilleur développement, Second Forum international francophone de l'évaluation, Marrakech, December 14, 2016
- Workshop : Excel pour l'analyse qualitative, Second Forum international francophone de l'évaluation, Marrakech, December 13, 2016
- Learning Circles for Advanced Professional Development in Evaluation, American Evaluation Association Conference, Atlanta, October 27, 2016, with Natalie Kishchuk, Shelley Borys and Simon Roy
- Professionalizing evaluation: Why did the CES need a professional designation? American Evaluation Association Conference, Atlanta, October 28, 2016
- Role reversal: when the evaluator is the evaluate. The evaluatee perspective, American Evaluation Association Conference, Atlanta, October 29, 2016
- Indigenous Evaluation: Rethinking our Practice, presentation at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, St. John's, June 7, 2016.
- Evaluation today and tomorrow, Canadian Association of International Development Professionals Conference "Renewal: A New Era for International Development Professionals", Ottawa, May 9, 2016
- Evaluation in Canada and Elsewhere: Some Remarks, symposium on Evaluation and its applications in the economic and social fields, Moncton, January 2016
- Evaluating Evaluation Policy: The Canadian Federal Experience, presentation (discussant) made at the 2015 American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Chicago, November 2015
- High Impact Intervention in Canada: the Credentialed Evaluator Program, presentation made at the 2015 American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Chicago, November 2015
- Impacts of the 2009 Government of Canada Policy on Evaluation on the federal government evaluation system, presentation made at the 2015 American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Chicago, November 2015 (with Natalie Kishchuk).
- Qualitative analysis for the humble: spreadsheets at your service, presentation to the Analyzing and Presenting Information for Impact symposium, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, October 1, 2015
- Professionalizing Evaluation Practice: what does it mean?, presentation to the Analyzing and Presenting Information for Impact symposium, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, October 1, 2015
- Advanced Issues in Evaluation Survey Research and Design, workshop delivered at the 2015 Australasian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Melbourne, September 2015.
- Impacts of the 2009 Government of Canada Policy on Evaluation on the federal government evaluation system, presentation made at the 2015 Australasian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Melbourne, September 2015 (with Natalie Kishchuk).
- Evaluation in Canada in 2025: what ought to be, what will be, and how to reach across these boundaries, presentation made at the 2015 Australasian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Melbourne, September 2015.
- The Canadian Evaluation Society's Professional Designations Program: Views from Members, presentation made at the 2015 Australasian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, September 2015 (with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishchuk, and Simon Roy).
- Impacts of the 2009 Government of Canada Policy on Evaluation on the federal government evaluation system, presentation made at Supporting Implementation of the Enhanced Commonwealth Performance Framework, Canberra, September 2015 (with Natalie Kishchuk).
- Evidence-Based Policy-Making in Canada: Some Remarks, presentation made at the Evidence and Policy in Northern Contexts Symposium, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, September 2015.
- Evaluation Frameworks: Advanced Techniques, workshop delivered for the CES Alberta Chapter, Edmonton, September 2015 (with Simon Roy).
- Economy and Efficiency, workshop delivered for the CES Alberta Chapter, Edmonton, September 2015 (with Simon Roy).
- Learning Circles for Advanced Professional Development in Evaluation, presentation delivered for the CES Alberta Chapter, Edmonton, September 2015 (with Natalie Kishchuk, Shelley Borys and Simon Roy).
- Le Programme des titres professionnels de la Société canadienne d'évaluation : points de vue des membres. Presentation to the Colloque de la Société québécoise d'évaluation de programme, Quebec, November 7, 2014 (with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishchuk, and Simon Roy).
- What evaluation has to say on serving the needs of decision-makers, Social Impact Analyst Association 2014 Talking Data: Measurement with a Message Conference. Toronto, November 3, 2014.
- La professionnalisation de l'évaluation au Canada, Forum international francophone de l'évaluation, Dakar, October 28, 2014
- Evaluator Competencies: a Cornerstone of the CES' Professional Designation Program, presentation made at the 2014 American Evaluation Association conference, Denver, October 2014 (with Keiko Kuji-Shikatani and others).
- The Canadian Evaluation Society's Professional Designations Program: Views from Members, presentation made at the 2014 American Evaluation Association conference, Denver, October 2014 (with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishchuk, and Simon Roy).
- The Canadian Evaluation Society's Professional Designation Program: Views from Members, presentation made at the 2014 European Evaluation Society conference, Dublin, October 2014 (with Natalie Kishchuk, Shelley Borys, and Simon Roy).
- Le programme des titres professionnels de la SCÉ, webinar presented for the Canadian Evaluation Society, June 26, 2014.
- The CES Professional Designations Program, webinar presented for the Canadian Evaluation Society, June 25, 2014.
- The CES Professional Designations Program: Views from CES Members, presentation made at the 2014 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Ottawa, June 2014 (with Natalie Kishchuk, Shelley Borys, and Simon Roy).
- Professionalization of Evaluation in Canada, presentation made at the 2014 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Ottawa, June 2014 (with Keiko Kuji-Shikatani and others).
- Evaluation Frameworks: Advanced Techniques, workshop delivered at the 2014 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2014 (with Simon Roy).
- Advanced Issues in Evaluation Survey Research and Design, workshop delivered at the 2014 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2014 (with Simon Roy).
- Learning Circles for Advanced Professional Development in Evaluation: Spreading the Gospel, presentation to Lunch and Learn for Evaluators in Ottawa, Ottawa, June 2013 (with Simon Roy, Kathryn Radford, Natalie Kishchuk, and Shelley Borys).
- Survey on Evaluation Training Needs and Preferences, presentation made at the 2013 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2013 (with Simon Roy, Natalie Kishchuk, and Shelley Borys).
- A renewed approach to document, file, and administrative data review: the program vitae, presentation made at the 2013 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2013 (with Claude-Anne Godbout-Gauthier and Natalie Kishchuk).
- Evaluation Frameworks: Advanced Techniques, workshop delivered at the 2013 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2013 (with Simon Roy).
- Advanced Issues in Evaluation Survey Research and Design, workshop delivered at the 2013 Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2013 (with Simon Roy).
- Learning Circles for Advanced Professional Development in Evaluation: Two Experiences, presentation to the 2013 Canadian Evaluation Society National Capital Chapter Annual Learning Event, Ottawa, February 2013 (with Natalie Kishchuk, Simon Roy, Shelley Borys, and Kathryn Radford).
- Learning Circles for Advanced Professional Development in Evaluation, 2012 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Halifax, May 2012 (with Natalie Kishchuk, Shelley Borys and Simon Roy).
- Conducting Complex Evaluations, workshop at the 2012 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Halifax, May 2012, with Simon Roy.
- Dear Proposal Writer... Dear RFP Writer... Dialogue on Successes and Failures of the Request for Proposal Process, 2010 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Edmonton, May 2011 (with Simon Roy, Shelley Borys and Stephen Kester).
- With a Little Help from Our Friends: A Study of Evaluators' Networks, 2010 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Victoria, May 2010 (with Simon Roy, Natalie Kishchuk and Shelley Borys).
- A Debate on Evaluation Standards, 2010 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Victoria, May 2010 (with Simon Roy, Greg Mason, Robert Malatest and Shelley Borys).
- Multi-Level Evaluation Design: Challenges of A Mixed Methods Approach, 2009 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Ottawa, June 2, 2009 (with Heather MacDonald and Annette Przygoda).
- The Lay of the Evaluation Land, 2009, organization of a panel for the 2009 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Ottawa, June 1, 2009.
- Will they join the team and stay? A study of potential and new program evaluator, presentation to the 2008 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Québec, May 2008, with Simon Roy, Natalie Kishchuk and Shelley Borys.
- La collecte de données en ligne en évaluation, presentation to the 2008 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Québec, May 2008, with Simon Roy.
- Do you Feel Part of the Family? Study on the Sense of Belonging to the Program Evaluation Profession, presentation to the 2006 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Charlottetown, June 2006, with Simon Roy.
- Les visages alternatifs de la radiodiffusion : concurrence, complémentarité, presentation to the Rencontres professionnelles de l'industrie québécoise du disque, du spectacle et de la radio, April 20, 2006.
- Survey of Evaluation Practice and Issues in Canada, presentation to the 2005 Canadian Evaluation Society and American Evaluation Association Conference, Toronto, October 26, 2005.
- A Strategic Analysis of the Situation of Program Evaluation in Canada, organization of a panel for the 2003 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Vancouver, June 2, 2003.
- La copie privée au Canada, 1998-2000, presentation to the Rencontres professionnelles de l'industrie québécoise du disque, du spectacle et de la radio, March 21, 2002.
- Assessing Survey Research, A Principled Approach, presentation at the 2001 Canadian Evaluation Society conference, Banff, May 21, 2001.
- Learning about survey research through a principled approach, half-day workshop offered at the 2001 Canadian Evaluation Society conference, Banff, May 20, 2001.
- Assessing Survey Research, A Principled Approach, presentation at the 2001 conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Montreal, May 19, 2001.
- Assessing Survey Research, A Principled Approach, presentation at the 2001 "Riding the Communications Revolution" Professional Marketing Research Society conference, Ottawa, April 24, 2001.
- Mesurer la satisfaction de sa clientèle pour mieux répondre à ses attentes, half-day workshop at the conference entitled Le service à la clientèle: virage-client dans le secteur public, organized by the Institute for International Research, Québec, January 24, 2001.
- La mesure de la satisfaction de la clientèle, one-day workshop for the Société québécoise d'évaluation de programmes, Québec, October 5, 2000.
- Internet and Program Evaluation, The Non Existent Relationship, presentation for the National Capital chapter of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Ottawa, September 26, 2000.
- L'évaluation de la satisfaction de la clientèle, méthodes et limites, half-day workshop at the 2000 Joint Annual Conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society and of the Société québécoise d'évaluation de programme, Montréal, May 14, 2000.
Web sites
- Recherche sociale : de la problématique à la collecte des données, Québec,
Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1984, second edition, 1992, third edition 1997,
fourth edition 2003, fifth edition 2008, sixth edition with Isabelle Bourgeois 2016, 670 pages
(Recherche sociale was published in Portuguese
in 2003 by Lusociência under the title Investigação Social)
- PUNCH Documentation, user manual for the PUNCH software, Circum Network Inc.,
1996-1999, 100 pages
- Recherche sociale : cahier d'exercices, Québec, Télé-Université,
Université du Québec, 1988, second edition 1993, 367 pages
- Recherche sociale : corrigé des exercices, Québec, Télé-Université,
Université du Québec, 1988, second edition 1993, 150 pages
- SAS, manuel d'introduction, with Jean Crête, Ottawa, University of Ottawa
Bookstore, 1983, 165 pages
- Méta-évaluation en affaires sociales : analyse de cent cas d'évaluations de
programmes, Québec, Conseil québécois de la recherche sociale, Social Affairs
Department, 1983, 304 pages
- Logement et politiques gouvernementales : le cas de Donnacona, Québec,
Université Laval, Master's thesis published by the Laboratoire d'études politiques et
administratives, 1979, 265 pages
Articles and book chapters
- “Evaluation Professionalization”, in F. Varone, S. Jacob et P. Bundi, Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation, Edward Elgar, forthcoming (with Simon Roy).
- “Constats sur la professionnalisation de la pratique évaluative dans trois pays de la Francophonie », Réseau Francophone de l’Evaluation, Synthèses no 24, 2022 (with Sandrine Beaujean, Ahmed Bencheikh, François-Xavier Borsi, Moussa Diagne, Stéphanie Musialski).
- “The institutionalization of evaluation in Canada”, Evaluation Globe, Americas, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 (with Robert Lahey and Steve Jacob).
- “Institutionnalisation de l’évaluation nature et défis”, Réseau Francophone de l’Evaluation, Synthèses no 21, 2021.
- "L’évaluation utile : facteurs déterminants et stratégies gagnantes", in A.-M. Tougas, A. Bérubé, & N. Kishchuk (eds.), Évaluation de programme : de la réflexion à l’action. Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2021 (with Natalie Kishchuk)
- "Le radon et vous", Écho de Cantley, July 2021
- “Regards nationaux sur la pandémie, sa gestion et ses effets”, Réseau Francophone de l’Evaluation, Synthèses no 18, 2021.
- “La structure de preuve” in Isabelle Bourgeois (ed.), Recherche sociale : de la problématique à la collecte des données, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2021.
- “L’évaluation de la recherche par sondage” in Isabelle Bourgeois (ed.), Recherche sociale : de la problématique à la collecte des données, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2021.
- “La recherche universitaire et la recherche organisationnelle” in Isabelle Bourgeois (ed.), Recherche sociale : de la problématique à la collecte des données, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2021.
- “Une analyse engagée de la professionnalisation des pratiques d'évaluation” in Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 35, no. 1, 2020.
- “Les défis de la professionnalisation dans l’espace francophone”, Réseau francophone de l’évaluation, série Synthèses RFE, no. 6, March 2020.
- "’This is Highly Illogical’: How a Spock Evaluator Learns That Context and Mixed Methods Are Everything” in Kylie Hutchinson (ed.), Evaluation Failures, 22 tales of mistakes made and lessons learned, Sage Publications, 2019.
- "Evaluation in Canada in 2025: what could be, what should be, and what to do now", Evaluative Voices series, Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, September 2016.
- "Impact = Content x Influence: Evaluation, evidence and policy in Canadian Government contexts", Evaluative Voices series, Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, January 2016.
- "On the Future of Program Evaluation", Canadian Government Executive Magazine, vol. 21, no. 10, December 2015, pages 18-20.
- "La professionnalisation de l'évaluation dans l'espace francophone, et au-delà », Forum thématique no 6, Actes du 1er Forum international francophone de l'évaluation, October 29, 2014, with Marie Gervais.
- "The CES Professional Designations Program: Views from Members", Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 29, no. 3, special issue 2015, pages 98-133, with Natalie Kishchuk, Shelley Borys, and Simon N. Roy.
- "View from the Credentialing Board: Where We've Been and Where We're Going", Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 29, no. 3, special issue 2015, pages 86-97, with Gail Vallance Barrington, Christine Frank, and Karyn Hicks.
- "Professional Standards for Evaluators: The Development of an Action Plan for the Canadian Evaluation Society", Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 29, no. 3, special issue 2015, pages 21-32, with Gerald Halpern and James C. McDavid.
- "Learning Circles for Advanced Professional Development in Evaluation", Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 28, no. 1, Spring 2013, pages 87-96, with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishchuk and Simon Roy.
- "The lay of the land: evaluation practice in Canada in 2009" (et alii), Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 24, no. 1, spring 2009, pages 1-49
- "Evaluation practice in Canada: results of a national survey", Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 21, no. 3, special issue 2006, pages 1-42, with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishchuk and Simon Roy.
- "Enquête sur les pratiques et les enjeux de l'évaluation au Canada", Bulletin de la Société québécoise d'évaluation de programme, volume 18, no. 2, December 2005, with Shelley Borys, Natalie Kishchuk et Simon Roy.
- "Are all samples of telephone numbers created equal?", Vue, February 2005, pages 14-17.
- "Electronic Collaboration Tools: Opening Up a New World of Possibilities for Evaluators",
Evaluation Exchange, vol. 10, no. 3, fall 2004, page 21.
- "The lay of the land: evaluation practice in Canada today" (et alii),
Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 19, no. 1, Spring 2004, pages 143-178.
- "Le concours de simulation : le point de vue d'un juge", Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, vol. 18, no. 1, Spring 2003, pages 119-126.
- "Performance tools — Web data collection", Measuring Up, vol. 1, no. 4, October 2002, pages 19-20.
- François-Pierre Gingras and Benoît Gauthier, "L'avenir de la droite fédérale en
Ontario passe-t-elle par la fusion du Parti réformiste et du Parti
progressiste-conservateur ?", 4 juin 1997.
- "La question du chômage et le caractère dinstinctif de l'électorat québécois
au scrutin fédéral de 1993 (with François-Pierre Gingras and Frank Graves), Revue
québécoise de science politique, no. 27, spring 1996, pp. 51-122
- "Lecture et société", Documentation et bibliothèques, January 1994
- "L'avenir de l'évaluation au Québec et la place des conseillers privés et
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- "La satisfaction de la clientèle en évaluation de programmes", Newsletter:
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- "Les femmes à l'Assemblée nationale", Le Devoir, July 16, 1982, p.
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Twenty book reviews in Politique and in the Canadian Political Science