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‘Data’ is not the plural of ‘anecdote’
(Julian Baggini)

JULY 11, 2016

An evaluation of the scholarship and fellowship programs of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Circum Network continues its evaluation activities. For example, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada has recently made available the evaluation report for its scholarship and fellowship programs that was prepared by Circum Network in collaboration with Program Evaluation and Beyond Inc. and SSHRC's and NSERC's Evaluation Division.

The evaluation, based on seven lines of evidence, concludes that the programs are relevant within the ecosystem of studies in sciences and engineering. However, the demonstraton of program performance is more delicate: since a typical NSERC recipient is in receipt of multiple other types of funding, it is difficult to control for the effect of these other funding sources when assessing the contribution of the NSERC funds. Finally, the evaluation concludes that the NSERC scholarship and fellowship programs are generally delivered in an efficient manner.

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