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Document T039

Assessment of the Government of Canada Communicators' Conference 2001

Report presented to Taylor and Associates, the Canadian Information Office and the Privy Council of Canada, August 2001


On January 31 and February 1, 2001, the Canadian Information Office and the Privy Council of Canada hosted a national conference for people specialized in communications and marketing within the Government of Canada. Some 500 people attended the conference. This report presents an assessment of the conference from the point of view of participants and of exhibitors.


The study draws upon data collected through end-of-conference feedback cards, through a post-conference Web-based survey of participants and through telephone interviews of exhibitors. While the evidence is sufficient to portray participants reactions to the conference, relatively small samples and a response rate of 32% to the Web component of the feedback limit the scope of the analyses. The results of the study must be interpreted more qualitatively than quantitatively.


From the point of view of participants and exhibitors reached, the conference was a success.

In preparing the 2002 conference, the following could be considered:

30 pages, 296k [PDF format]

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