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Don't confuse movement with progress.
(Denzel Washington)

Document T036

Citizenship and Immigration Canada — Comment Card Pilot Project

Report prepared for Citizenship and Immigration Canada following the implementation of a continuous client feedback pilot project, September 2001

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has embarked onto a large-scale service improvement process named "Client Service Initiative" which includes several components. This report presents the results of a pilot project aimed at offering clients comment cards for immediate feedback to port of entry and inland CICs on their service experience.

Between mid-February and mid-August 2001, 23 ports of entry and inland offices, mainly from Quebec and British Columbia, were involved in the project whereby comment cards were offered (first passively, then actively) to clients who could return them by mail. Canada Post was contracted to handle the logistics of the production and distribution of required materials and to keypunch the data.

Conclusions regarding the comment card pilot project

Conclusions regarding client satisfaction

Conclusions regarding the causes of low participation


74 pages, 738k [PDF format]

To reach us:

General address : service@circum.com
Benoît Gauthier : gauthier@circum.com, @BGauthierCEEQ
Tel. : +1 819 775-2620, Fax : (no more fax; sorry)
238 Fleming Road, Cantley, Québec J8V 3B4

Benoît Gauthier, Mastodon